
Tribute to Colin McRae

Colin McRae is feared dead as his helicopter has crashed near his home in Lanarkshire. There were 4 people on the helicopter and the crash left no survivors.

Colin McRae was a great rally driver, the first British driver to win the WRC drivers title in 1995.

Raki Ottroki

I practice in a Ancient Chinese Art which is very dangerous, deadly and death may occur if the student is not wary of the great skill and concentration involved, many masters of this art have told great stories of the early days when Students and  even masters died at the cruel single blade, which today is outlawed in Raki Ottroki, today we practice with a dual blade, welcome to my world people the world of speed shaving, where it is common for a man to shave in less than 20 seconds.. lol


I have just seen this on the xbox forums


so I had a couple of beers last night and do remember being wise enough not to play burnout and pissing people off (flashback) oops I had one ranked game with a host from noobsville, who asked me if I wanted to race just him and me of course I said no as it would be boring, guess what he started it with three people and one was a echo boy, 190 cars on default WTF!!!

another boring blogg

5:30am what the shugar ray lenord is that about (Trying not to swear) dude I never made it to bed last nigh as I was watching this new fangled  contraption the Television and woke up this morning on my setee with a stiff neck and for some reason I want to buy the six second ab machine (Tv still on this morning) and why do I have the urge to exercise, I dont do exercise,  exercise is for people who are workshy and dont work 12+ hours a day, how am I supposd to exercise when I am so tired I sometimes fall asleep at work in my private office upstairs in a differant building to the boss (life c

The Zombietron is not a toy

Attorneys no longer have to worry about their witnesses turning up dead.

Now you can just stick the witness or victim in one end of the Zombietron, pour in a teaspoon of nanobots, and let them soak in the machine overnight.

Sure, they reek like a latrine pit full of rotten meat, but functional and lucid zombies are admissible as evidence.

The worst part of the process is watching them die again. I wonder if they suffer.

So, what happens when you put a living person in the Zombietron?

I don't know.

Hey, let's grab a bum and find out.

Comments, Blogs and Forum Etiquette

There have recently been some derogatory remarks towards Burnout and Criterion on the site. Although your Blogs are your own personal opinion and we will not edit them unless they contravene the terms of use of BurnoutAholics or use swear words, please remember that this is a Burnout fansite and if you are not a fan of the Burnout series you have no place here.

Why so many Why's

Why me god, why does everyone have a go at me, why am I so damn inportant, and why does no one pick on ichi, and why do I lack the interest to join a tourney and pass up the chance to publicly humiliate ichi and prove once and for that I am the better racer, and why on gods earth do I park up in a ranked room and send messages to hot chicks (I should be around 10,000 tonight) I need a new game that I can get my teath into, hang on I have one but never play it anymore damn it, it has something to do with the lack of online games.

All this talk about tournaments..

Makin me kinda itchy! Anxious and yet I still cant enter in it because of my upcoming fall and summer class sechedules... Anyways, I was just thinking man...I would actually like to see a "just the ladies" tourny to see who would come out on top with the best female racers in the world involved...

Heres what I who I would like to see...

1. Raven Darknessa

2. PornoPaparazzi

3. Queen of Pain

4. Lucky Twat

5. VwBugChick

6. Meesa (Dont know if she still plays)

7. ZombieTron

8. Perfect Secret - Pearl

9. Cozzy88


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