
hey Bootleg!!

im not lieing i did make this mabye you should watch the other videos!!

go check now im telling the truth it took so long to upload it also!!

As I walk through the Valley of Xandu

morning Bloggy woggy, it would seem that certain members on this site do not approve of our special relationship Bloggy, I think its Jelousy that you prefer me more than them, it probably stems from some deep deep childhood secret to horrible to mention, something like their teddy getting bear-napped, but don't worry Blogster this changes nothing  you will be The Blogg..

Burnout Tournaments

I have entered 2 tourneys recently - the scary one is thephilofwar's/sonic stx and the other is stevie d's - less scary for other reasons - which Eezo kindly put me onto and which (incidentally) BootlegGiant won last Season.  The Stevie d Tourney is kinda fun, i'm in the DUI room, room 2,  which i guess by the term DUI means we are drunk most of the time!! What i did not expect was for there to be half races and half road rage and i'm pretty certain someone is gonna curse me and throw in a crash event to the mix which will f**k me right over!

Tourney sucks

What have I done, I should have joined that stupid Tourney, not because that I'm any good and would have owned everyone in it, not because Stinky is in it and it would have been fun beating him again, not that Ezo is in it and it would have been fun trash talking him, not that the Creator is in it and I could let him win, maybe because nobody talks about anything else on the xbox forums or maybe because every noob is in it (ichie) you try getting a game on revenge after 9pm on Sunday is really hard..


hey blogster

sup Bloggy not much to say today, I havent played much this weekend it could have something to do with the lack of people online on revenge, I mean were does everyone go, ok so I can understand ich being under the thumb and all that, dude if you dont stamp down your foot now who knows what could happen, dude if she is bigger then get a big stick, I have new Idea for a Poll

question, were do you go at the weekends

answer I am not a BurnoutAholic and go out

Oh Dear, I can't spell...

Xbox 360, Xbox and, broken, smashed PS2, and Burnout Games(all of them except Burnout 1) For Sale, as I'm not allowed to play Burnout anymore because I can't spell.

Crash FM podcast 6 is here!

Check out the latest podcast at Go listen to it, it is good!

Lots of questions from the mailbag answered in this episode. Not a lot of new information though.  

There will be a BIG Burnout Paradise related announcement from Criterion/EA next Thursday


Criterion games podcast ep.6

some of you already no btu some dont but it came a day early and it is worth it!! Alex is more honest and more forward. so i say go listen to it right now!! wht are you doing gogogo stop raeding!!! why are you reading this?? stop!!! go listen to the damn podcast!!!!


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