
Im so god damn sexy

I'm to sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts, damn it Bootleg your da bomb, wow baby..

I Don't Get It ?

Why is it that regarding their fanbase duing their podcasts, the spokemen for Criterion come off as being such egomaniacal ***? It makes no sense to me that instead of giving a straight answer, they feel the need to flame for idiotic reasons (STX's gamertag, spell check, etc.)... it's really classless and pathetic. 

I cannot understand why anyone would submit questions just to be treated with such outright disrespect. AW and Criterion seriously need to get over themselves, and give straight answers to questions.

your top speed on burnout revenge!!

what is the fastest you have ever gotten on burnout revenge?? say the speed and the car or cars you used!! dont lie that would be lame!!


The right to Burn!

I think its our detacation to this series that lets the fire flowing through us and the game its self some times we get angry but we feel good by doing it! to the friends we make the rivals break i aslute you!!!

Great Night

what the hell did I press any ideas nope IE just closed by the click of my mouse and I lost the bigest badest blog in the history of bloging, ah well, lets have a short version instead, right were was I oh yes Damn Im so gooooooood so very damn goooood, ok enough with the self loving, this is how you freak out ichie, type in his post code on google earth and describe his work place in fine detail and mention casually that he can expect something in the post, hehehehe gotcha looser boy, did I mention that I am soooooo god damn good, so god damn wow, yes thats right wow , right I had a good n

Brown Trousers

We have two bridges on Anglesey that cross over to the mainland one is a Suspension bridge and is mostly used by locals due to its location and the other is a railway bridge converted after a fire in the 1970's to take motor vehicles and trains, well in the 70's the road leading to it was a single lane but today its a dual lane carriageway with two slip roads joining so as you can guess it gets to a bottle neck and certain times in the mornings is a nightmare, now  a couple years ago I did my Theory exam for riding a motorbike (I never got to the Practical ) and of course had to learn the h

Crash FM podcast 5 is here!

Check out the latest podcast at Go download! Im listening to it now. They answer more letters about the online features of Burnout Paradise and discuss their recent visit to San Francsico to present the game at the Electronic Arts Studio Showcase held at EA Redwood Shores.

dumb broad

Hey Bloggy I bet you feal special today what with 2 entry's..


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