In the press


Burnout 2: Point of Impact got lots of attention from the press and we have tried to collect some quotes that should give a good picture of what the press thought about Burnout. Burnout 2: Point of Impact "Bottom line is that I see myself playing this game for a long time to come. I can almost guarantee it for you too." - NL Gaming - 95/100 "

This game came out of left field, but it smacked a grand slam right out of the ballpark!" - Console Gold - 91% "

...This game just may be the best "real racing" game the GameCube might ever have..." - Game 2Xtreme - 9.1/10

"Clearly one of the best high-speed racing games of all-time, and definitely one of the top games of the year..." - MG Network - 9.1/10

"What Burnout 2: Point of Impact comes down to is that it's a solid and entertaining racing game, which has the potential to draw in non-racing fans - not something many racing games can claim..." - Armchair Empire - 9.1/10

6th highest ranked Xbox title - GameRankings - avg: 91%

"Burnout 2 is a title that you won't be able to put down until everything is unlocked. And after that, you'll have hours of fun with your buddies. It rocks!" - - 9.3/10

"The Championship modes will keep you glued to the TV, and all of the Multiplayer modes will keep you coming back for more." - WorthPlaying - 9.3/10

"Burnout 2 is pure arcade racing at its best." - 91% Silicon Magazine

"The racing game for crazy people is as fast and furious as ever this year." -4/5 Play PSE2

"For those of you that were fans of the first Burnout, you are going to be blown away by the improvements in the sequel." - 98% Platinum Award

"For arcade racing fans, it just doesn't get any better than this." - 98% Platinum Award "

...absolutely should not be missed." - 98% Platinum Award

"Simply the best racer on GameCube." "This is the racer that GCN owners need to own." "It has all the trimmings and is very playable for any racing fan." "so go out there and buy yourself a copy, because we guarantee you'll love it..." "Burnout 2 really is a recipe for success: Its mix of blazingly fast cars, gorgeous environments, dangerous tracks and extra goodies make it the arcade racer to contend with this fall." "Arcade racing bliss! The fastest, highest-risk racing experience on the PS2." -9/10 Editors' Choice Award

"Burnout 2 is a sparkling example of pure, refined arcade racing done right. It's the fastest looking racer on PlayStation 2, and most of all it offers the best car crashes on the planet." - 9/10 Editors' Choice Award

"Burnout 2 is an excellent sequel in every way. It's better looking, longer, faster, deeper, and it's got little flourishes and extra modes of play that truly impress." - 9/10 Editors' Choice Award

"It stands right up there with the best PS2 racers in its own unique, destructive, high-octane way." - 9/10 Editors' Choice Award

"Burnout 2 should have huge appeal. It's a straightforward bullet of a racer. If you want the sheer thrill of speed and the intensity of the best car crashes on the planet, go get yourself a copy." - 9/10 Editors' Choice Award PSM

"One of the most thrilling, visually amazing, and downright fun arcade racers ever." - 9/10 Must-Buy Silver Award

"Screams of expert design and polish." - 9/10 Must-Buy Silver Award

"One of the best sequels the racing genre has seen in a long time." - 9/10 Must-Buy Silver Award GameShark

 "You simply cannot go wrong with this title!" - 10/10

"GameCube fans have needed an arcade racer of this type for a long time." - 10/10 GamePro

"Some of the best arcade racing available." "Bigger, longer, and more intense smash-ups" "Burnout 2 surpasses its predecessor in almost every department." GameSpot

"You'd be hard-pressed to find a faster-feeling game for the PlayStation 2." "Burnout 2 offers an amazing sense of speed and some of the most dramatic crashes seen in a racing game to date. It's a must-own for fans of arcade racing." "...Our choice to name Burnout 2 our Best Driving Game on PlayStation 2 really wasn't so difficult, since this was one of those games we found ourselves coming back to time and time again." - Best Driving Game on PlayStation 2

Next: Screen shots