
Hyperblogg 5

Crikey mate what was that Snowboarding game that came out after Amped on the 360, you know the one mate it was a little bit better but nothing to wright home about well anyway mate that is what Shaun White is like, a waste of forty quid ah well we live and learn dont we mate, sure its a open world but seriously your strapped to a plank of wood there is only one way you can go.

"True" Burners/Fans

It is fine to love this series, or even one game in the series and even to argue/debate over which is best but do we need to be constantly qualifying our statements with "true" burner/fan.

I would probably not be considered a "true" fan by some purely based on my liking Paradise, or even my preference for Crash junctions in Revenge. 

Another Friends List Clean Up...

I have crept back up to 100 people on my friends list, and hardly any of them play the same games as me. So, it's time for a clean up!

Mostly I am clearing people who haven't been online for over 6 months, but that's not many, so the others will have to be people who don't have Burnout as one of their last 5 played games and who I haven't played with for ages.

Paradise: The Ultimate Driving Playground..But where is the racing?

I have been thinking about this for a while now, since the Ranked Race changes were brought in, Criterion Games have very rarely if ever.. used the word "race" when talking about Burnout Paradise. In fact in some of the Podcasts it looks to me like they are choosing their words very carefully to make sure they don't accidentally say the "R" word.

I posted this over at Operation Burnout in response to someone complaining about people moaning about racing in Paradise;

Good Races Tonight!

What a Night.. Good Races, Fun Ones! Everyone seemed fast..cept me! Damn!................................................ I got my ass Beat! All Hail KevLAR!!!! Ohhhhh weeee Ohhhhhh wooooo Ooooooo.........

Criterion Elite!!! Finally

I got this game in late August of this year, since then i really didnt have much time to play it until 4 weeks ago. Finally I made it to Criterion elite. It seemed like it took forever in the beginning. I still need to get the last 82nd car you get for completing 2 sets of online challenges. If any one wants to help me with 2 player and 3 player challenges, let me now.



The (Rather Simple) Party Pack Achievements

I just noticed on that Burnout Paradise had a new image based on the "Ultimate Box" box art. And it seems that shows two newachevements for 25GS each:

Perfect Party Game - Complete a Party game where every player scores in every round

Massive Party Game - Complete a Party game of 8 rounds with 8 players

A Small Pool to Pick From

We definitely need to play more people... Seeing how the pool of racers just keep dwindling, its seems more and more stuff is just popping on youtube, created by certain racers just to either make fun of the same people they race on a constant daily basis... or Maybe cause it just that everyone knows each other and its just a way to joke and kid around with each other on a daily basis... God knows.. I will say tho that I did enter a room yesterday and one racer was particularly upset about people making up videos of him...


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