
Midnight Club: LA to get Free Map Pack!

Rockstar have announced the "South Central Upgrade Map" for Midnight Club: Los Angeles. This will be a FREE download of a whole new area of the city, about 1/3 the size of the original game.

The content of gameplay is available seperately as a paid for download. The "South Central Content Pack" will contain new character competitions, races, cars and music. The new vehicles include a variety of cars and a motorcycle as well as SUV's.

We can expect to see this new DLC in early 2009.

The Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners: Aspartame Kills!

This is an urge to everybody to read the labels and know what you are putting in your body.

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener used in fizzy drinks, squash/cordials, juice drinks, hot chocolate, sugar-free gum etc. It is not only in Diet products but full fat drinks contain Aspartame too.

In the UK, the labels have to say "Contains a source of Phenylalanine" and on the ingredients list, it will be listed as Aspartame or E951.

Rumormill stuff.. NFS: Paradise??

I love internet rumors, especially when they are about Criterion Games... The lates is that Criterion Games will be developing the next NFS game!!


This is the CG related bit, from an inside source at EA who wishes to remain anonymous apparently:

...he claims that one of the next entries into the series (NFS) will be developed by the EA-owned Criterion Games, and will likely use the engine of their racing series, Burnout...

Bush puts his foot in it.....

Well i seen this on the news earlier and i have to say i found it extremely amusing...... talk about putting your foot in it......

Two new acheivments. *

If you take a look on your Burnout Paradise acheivment list you will see at the bottom two new ones for the party pack.

What acheivment would you have with the new DLC if you could make your own up ???

15G - Forum closer (Close any Burnout forum down)

25G - Toys outta pram (upset someone with power)

10G - Its my ball and i'm going home (never play paradise cause theres no speedo)

10G - Its just not cricket (get less then 100 hours of gameplay in paradise).

Feel free to make your own up, if you are ps3 you could make your own trohpies up.

I need a New Car!

Whats the best 190 car in Revenge?

Whats the best 202 car in Revenge?

Whats the best 205 car in Revenge?


-- Want something that could hold speed well and handles almost like a RR..

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XBox Live Community Games

As some of you might have discovered a new group of games was made available with the release of the new Xbox experience (NXE). The new group is called Community Games and if you want to have a look at what is available you can go here: .


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