Burnout Paradise

Burnout Paradise at London Games Festival

Sorry we couldn't give you guys a heads up on this event, but we did not know about it until seeing hn6's links. Thanks hn6!

So here is what we know. EA took over London's Trafalger Square with HUGE screens and showed a NEW Paradise Trailer as well as people playing the game.

Here are the links I have found so far:

Criterion Games

Gametrailers - The New Trailer

YouTube - Paradise Gameplay

If any of you were at the event in London please let us know what you thought! 


Which Burnout Paradise car looks coolest?

Steel Wheels
12% (4 votes)
Montgomery Hawker
18% (6 votes)
Carson GT Concept
9% (3 votes)
Hunter Manhattan
6% (2 votes)
Carson Annihilator
21% (7 votes)
Watson R-Turbo Roadster
33% (11 votes)
Total votes: 33

The Paradise Cars Unveiled

As IGN are previewing a car a day this week, and we have seen a bit of the Steel Wheels car in the trailer we can finally get some opinion on the game content.

So what do you think of the new cars? and what do you think of the cars names?

Steel Wheels

Montgomery Hawker

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

Mixed Previews

There are a couple of new previews for Paradise from the EA  Studio Showcase, Gamespots is a glowing report siting the sense of speed and updates to the use of the camera in the game.IGN's is a little more subdued as they got lost in Paradise City and were having a little trouble getting used to the size of the car.

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

Co-op Missions in Paradise!

New Paradise info available on 1up.com. Alex Ward talks about how Paradise online is revolutionary with no lobbies, no waiting, a seamless experience and focus on co-operative and social gameplay with lots of simple and fun challenges that groups of players can do together.

Taxonomy upgrade extras:

Latest news about Burnout Paradise

I’ve just listened to the 4th episode of the Crash FM podcast. Go listen to it. It is cool!
There was lots of interesting information about Burnout Paradise and I’ve tried to sum it all up for you in this article.

Burnout Paradise Screenshot


Have you pre-ordered Burnout Paradise?

26% (15 votes)
28% (16 votes)
No, but I plan to
46% (26 votes)
Total votes: 57

The Age - Screen Play - Alex Ward Interview

Welcome to Paradise


Burnout fans: prepare for Paradise. But be warned: according to the game's creator, you might think the latest game in the high-speed, fender-bending franchise is more like hell. 

Due before Christmas on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, Paradise lets drivers explore a huge, open world (the biggest publisher Electronic Arts has ever offered) based on roads in Los Angeles, Chicago and Boston. 

Players are able to improvise and make their own fun as they drive around, while starting a formal race is as simple as pulling up at a set of traffic lights. Records like fastest speed and biggest crashes are registered for every road you drive on, which you can instantly compare with friends' results.

Up to eight mates can play online together, enjoying races, triggering huge pile-ups, performing coordinated daredevil stunts and playing games like tag. 

Screen Play spoke to the always passionate and outspoken Alex Ward, creative director at developer Criterion Games, while he was in Tokyo recently. Click below to see why he believes Paradise is the best Burnout game yet, and why some long-time fans will hate the game.


Burnout Paradise Videos

If you want to have a look at what Burnout Paradise will be like or just want to hear what the creators of the game has to say you should check out the video links on this page. Most of the videos are linked to either ign.com or gamespot.com but some of them is also hosted here on BurnoutAholics.com. If we are missing videos that you think we should have links to just add a comment to this article or send us a mail with links to the videos and we will add them.


14.07.2007 - E3 2007 -Interview with Producer Matt Webster. He is talking about the new features in Burnout Paradise



"Revenge is sweet but PAYBACK is a bitch!"

Today we have a couple of more Burnout Paradise related videos for you.

1. Ign.com Interview with Craig Sullivan 

2. Gamespot interview with Alex Ward - In this video you get to see some actual gameplay that will give you a much better idea on how it will be to play the game. This video also shows the HUD of the game.

3. Gamespot Stage Demo - Just got this one from Jasman. This is a 7 minute stage demo from E3 where Alex Ward shows off Burnout Paradise.

4. Gamespot Gameplay footage - Got this link from oO EezO Oo this morning. 

Power Parking in Burnout Paradise





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